Yes. A bank account with the appropriate share capital in a Luxembourg bank is an essential requirement in setting up a ​company in Luxembourg.

The taxes applicable to companies in Luxembourg are corporate income taxes. Companies are also required to apply value-​added tax to the products and services that they offer.

It depends. A business permit/license is required for those who engage in specific activities. However, there are also special ​cases and other relevant permits for certain types of professions.

Yes. Regardless of the type of registered business you have, it is necessary to have a physical address in Luxembourg.

Yes. Professionals in the financial sector are required to obtain a license from the Ministry of Finance (Commission de ​Surveillance du Secteur Financier).

Yes. However, the formalities may differ depending on the form of the company.

On the same deed of incorporation, a resolution from the shareholders is taken to appoint directors who can act ​immediately after incorporation.

The notary signs a deblocking certificate to be shared with the bank attesting that the company has been incorporated. ​Assuming that all the KYC formalities have been properly performed by the bank, the company can use the cash upon ​receipt of the certificate from the bank.

In such case, the notary issues a “certificat de coutume”, which is an equivalent of the Trade and Companies Register ​certificate.

Yes. In Luxembourg, the company validly exists immediately after the signature of the deed by the notary and before its ​registration with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register.